Liberty Resources operates several Supervised Community Living, also known as Individual Residential Alternatives (IRAs), and Supported Community Living to individuals with developmental and intellectual disabilities throughout Onondaga and Madison counties. Emphasis is on creating an environment that encourages the individuals to experience a full life. All individuals create goals for themselves based on their unique desired outcomes, as expressed during their bi-annual Life Plan meeting. Our Community Living programs are designed to prepare people for more independent living.

Supervised Community Living

Residential program through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities.  For more information, please contact info@liberty-resources.org or 315-425-1004.

Our supervised residential programs provide 24-hour supervision to adults with intellectual disabilities. Each location focuses on each individual’s needs and community inclusion. Our caring Direct Support Professionals are trained in CPR/first aid, medication administration procedures, and crisis intervention techniques. Registered Nurses provide essential oversight and resources at each home—ensuring the highest quality of medical care.

    • Health and Wellness:  Our staff promote the health and wellness of all individuals through health maintenance and prevention strategies, accurate medication administration, knowledge of general health and safety rules, and first-aid and emergency procedures. Direct-support professionals help individuals complete personal-care activities while ensuring an individual’s privacy and promoting independence.
    • Individual Empowerment: We cultivate and promote the ability of the individual to lead a self-determining life by providing the support and information that are necessary to build self-esteem, assertiveness, and independence. Direct-support professionals show respect for individuals by soliciting and honoring choices and by encouraging personal responsibility and independence in all day-to-day events and activities
    • Household Management: Direct-support professionals assist the individuals who are responsible for household management (e.g., shopping, meal preparation, laundry, cleaning, and decorating) and transportation, with the goal of maximizing the individual’s skills, abilities, and independence.
    • Advocacy:  We are knowledgeable about the diverse challenges facing individuals, and we understand our role as an advocate. Our staff understand and communicate individual needs, wants, and choices to his/her family, coworkers, the organization, and the service system. We identify and promote the rights of individuals.
    • Facilitation of Services: We provide service plan development, implementation, and review. Our staff know the history, needs, and preferences of the individuals we serve, including characteristics of disability, behavior, cultural background, and medical issues.


Our supervised residential programs provide residential services for adults with intellectual disabilities through the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities.  Supervised Residential Programs are located throughout Onondaga and Madison counties.

Supported Community Living

Residential program for people with intellectual disabilities.  For more information please contact info@liberty-resources.org or 315-425-1004.

Our supported residential facilities provide support to individuals living independently in their own apartment. Our caring direct-support professionals promote independence, and they advocate for community inclusion while ensuring each person’s well-being. Registered Nurses provide essential oversight and resources at each home—ensuring the highest quality of medical care.

  • Health and Wellness:  Our staff promote the health and wellness of individuals by providing guidance and support for medication administration, hygiene, healthy food choices, and exercise.
  • Individual Empowerment:  We cultivate and promote the ability of the individual to lead a self-determined life, by providing the support and advocacy that are necessary to build self-esteem, assertiveness, and independence. Direct-support professionals show respect for individuals by soliciting and honoring choices.
  • Household Management:  Our direct support professionals provide guidance for household management, such as shopping, meal preparation, laundry, cleaning, and decorating and for transportation—with the goal of maximizing the individual’s skills, abilities, and independence.
  • Advocacy:  We are knowledgeable about the diverse challenges facing individuals, and we understand our role as an advocate. Our staff understand and communicate individual needs, wants, and choices to his/her family, coworkers, the organization, and the service system. We identify and promote the rights of individuals.
  • Facilitation of Services: We provide service plan development, implementation, and review. Our staff know the history, needs, and preferences of the individuals we serve, including characteristics of disability, behavior, cultural background, and medical issues.


Our supported residential programs assist adults with intellectual disabilities who are living independently.  Supported Residential Programs are located throughout Onondaga and Madison counties in Central New York.

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